Prayer for the Outpouring of Charisms of the HOLY SPIRIT

God Holy Spirit, in our lives in this world, we stand in great need of Your charisms. By these, Your gifts, You enable us to make a real contribution to the lives of others, in the Church, in our society in our personal interaction with one another. For all these charismsare to be used for the benefit of others. Since You have called us to your service, we pray for those gifts which Paul, the apostle of Christ, wished for his community.

Give to us, for our nation, for our church, the gift of WISDOM: Help us to speak the word by which we discover Christ crucified and You, too, in the midst of troubles, trials and difficulties;

Grant us the gift of KNOWLEDGE: Make us understand what really matters in human life; breathe in us, Holy Spirit,that our thoughts may all be holy. May we never depart from the truth;

Give us the gift of FAITH: Fill us with loyalty to You and with such trust that we  can move mountains;

Grant us the gift of HEALING: the sincere service of healing memories, of curing illnesses in ordinary and extraordinary ways as You so wish, of healing a world torn by strife through reconciliation and justice;

We are even so bold as to ask for the gift of MIRACLES, for works of power. By this gift supply us with Your energy so that we  can go beyond merely human or worldly thinking and acting, thus making our lives and our world better and new;

Give us the gift of PROPHECY: Inspire us to speak Your words and Jesus' teaching with courage and determination. Give us the direction and determination we need in our lives and for our world;

We beg you for the gift of DISCERNMENT of spirits. May we no longer permit ourselves to be deluded by the fascination of a diabolic world. May we learn to distinguish between suggestions which come from evil and lead to evil, and those which come from God and lead to good;

We dare to ask You for the gift of tongues; angels', men's, so we can praise God, Holy and Triune, and find joy in Him;

But we beg you that, together with tongues, give us and our community, the gift of INTERPRETATION of tongues, the capacity to translate good intentions, lofty aspirations, inspiring experiences and moments of prayer into concrete daily Christian action. Do not permit us to be misled into wrong belief and wrong action and inaction.

Holy Spirit, through Your gifts, various and distinct, may we become a new creation and live no longer for ourselves but for Him who died and rose for us, ready to complete in our bodies that which is still lacking in the sufferings of Christ for His  body, the Church. Amen.

O Holy Spirit of God abide with us;  inspire all our thoughts; pervade all our imagination; suggest all our doings. Be with us in our silence and in our speech, in our haste and in our leisure, in our company and in solitude; in the freshness of the morning and in the weariness of evening; and give us grace at all times, humbly to rejoice in your mysterious companionship, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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