PROMISES OF ST. MICHAEL To Those Who Recite the Angelic Rosary

Whosoever would practice this devotion in his honor would have, when approaching the Holy Table, an escort of nine angels chosen from each one of the nine choirs. In addition, for the daily recital of these nine salutations, he promised his continual assistance and that of all the holy angels during life and after death, deliverance from purgatory for themselves and for their relations.


After each salutation in honour of the nine choirs of angels, recite one Our Father, three Hail Marys and one Glory Be.

God come to my assistance.Lord make haste to help me. Glory Be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of Seraphim, may the Lord render us worthy of the flame of perfect charity, Amen.

Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of Cherubim, may the Lord grant us the grace to abandon the life of sin and may He assist us in the way of Christian perfection, Amen.

Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Sacred Choir of Thrones, may the Lord instill into our hearts a spirit of true and sincere humility. Amen.

Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of Dominations, may the Lord grant us the grace to dominate our senses and correct our corrupted passions. Amen.

Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Celestial Choir of Authorities, may the Lord deign to protect our souls from the snares and temptations of the devil. Amen.

Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Choir of the Admirable Celestial Virtues, may the Lord help us from falling into temptations and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Through the intercession of St.Michael and the Celestial Choir of Principalities, may the Lord fill our hearts with the spirit of true and sincere obedience. Amen.

Through the intercession of St.Michael and the Celestial Choir of Archangels, may the Lord concede us the grace of perseverance in the faith and in good works, whereby be able to conquer the glory of Paradise. Amen.

Through the intercession of St.Michael and the Celestial Choir of all the Angels, may the Lord deign to grant us the grace to be protected by them in the present mortal life and afterwards may they lead us to the everlasting glories of Heaven. Amen.

Four Our Fathers are recited:
1st to St. Michael
2nd to St. Gabriel
3rd to St. Raphael
4th to our Guardian Angel


Most glorious Prince, St. Michael, head and chief of the Celestial army, depository of souls, conqueror of the rebellious spirits, servant of God's court, our admirable leader of superhuman excellence and virtue, deign to deliver us all who have recourse to you, from every evil and make us through your valid protection, that everyday of our lives we may serve our God faithfully.

V.) Pray for us our most blessed St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.
R.) That we may become worthy of His promises.


Omnipotent, everlasting God, Who with prodigious goodness and mercy for the universal salvation of men, elected the most glorious Archangel St. Michael as Prince of Thy Church, make us worthy, we ask it of Thee, that through his beneficial protection, we may be freed from all our enemies, so that at the time of our death none should molest us but be granted us to be introduced by Him into the presence of Your Divine Majesty. We ask it through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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