1. MASS 
In eternity we shall fully realize that it was certainly worthwhile to have assisted at Holy Mass daily. Pray for priests that they may offer the Mass with holy love and reference.
St. Bonaventure said that "Whoever neglected Our Lady would perish in his sins and would be damned".

"The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!"(Pope Paul VI)
For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death (revelation of Christ to St. Gertrude the great).
Padre Pio, the stigmatic priest, said, the world could exist more easily without the sun than without the Mass.
The Cure' d' Ars, St. Jean Vianney said, if we knew the value of the Mass we would die of joy.

A great doctor of the Church, St. Anselm, declares that a single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death. St. Leonard of Port Maurice supports this statement by saying that one Mass before death may be more profitable than many after it.
"The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death." (Pope Benedict XV).
Once, St. Teresa was overwhelmed with God's Goodness and asked Our Lord, "How can I thank you?" Our Lord replied, "ATTEND ONE MASS."
The Blessed Virgin Mary once told Her faithful servant Alain: "My Son so loves those who assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that, if it were necessary He would die for them as many times as they've heard Masses."(Page 107, last paragraph of "Explication Du Saint Sacrifice De La Messe" parle R.P. Martin de Cochem Friere - Mineur Capucin.)

Our Lady has 117 titles. She selected this title at Fatima: "I am the Lady of the Rosary".
St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is - Pray the Rosary.
St. Thomas Aquinas preached 40 straight days in Rome, Italy on just the Hail Mary.
St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary in his hand.
"The rosary is the scourge of the devil" - Pope Adrian VI.
"The rosary is a treasure of graces" - Pope Paul V.
Padre Pio the stigmatic priest said: "The rosary is THE WEAPON".
Pope Leo XIII wrote 9 encyclicals on the rosary.
Pope John XXIII spoke 38 times about our Lady and the Rosary. He prayed 15 decades daily.
St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote: "The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the
Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who so loves His Mother."

If you wish to obtain a favor: -
Pray THE "54-day ROSARY NOVENA"...
Pray 3 nine day rosary novenas - 27 days of petition;
Pray 3 nine day rosary novenas - 27 days of thanksgiving.
Will you give 1% of 1440 minutes each day to God?
If so, pray the daily rosary in 15 minutes - 1% of 24 hours.
Later on, give 3% and pray entire 15 decade rosary.
Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries.

Two wonderful promises of Our Lady of Mount Carmel are available to those who have been enrolled in the Brown Scapular.

The great promise of the Blessed Virgin Mary, given to St. Simon Stock on July 16, 1251, is as follows: "Whoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire."

Our Lady's second Scapular Promise, known as the Sabbatine Privilege (the word "Sabbatine" meaning "Saturday"), was given by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Pope John XXII in the year 1322 and is as follows: "I, the Mother of Grace, shall descend on the Saturday after their death, and whomsoever I shall find in Purgatory, I shall free."

There are three conditions for obtaining this privilege: 1) the wearing of the Brown Scapular; 2) the practice of chastity according to one's state of life; 3) the daily recitation of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Those who cannot read can abstain from meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays instead of reciting the Little Office. Also, any priest who has diocesan faculties (this includes most priests) has the additional faculty to commute (change) the third requirement into another pious work--for example, the daily Rosary.

Because of the greatness of the Sabbatine privilege, the Carmelite Order suggests that the third requirement not be commuted into anything less than the daily recitation of seven Our Fathers, seven Hail Marys, and seven Glory Be to the Fathers.

The Station of the Cross is a popular devotion consisting of appropriate meditations before each of 14 stations representing successive stages in the Passion of Our Lord. The Way of the Cross is the most heavily indulgenced devotion in the Catholic Church; it is a devotion reputed to have been originated by Our Lady herself, who, legend has it, set up the original Way of the Cross in Her backyard in Ephesus.
Moreover, the great saints all affirm that meditation on the Passion and Death of Our Dear Savior is the most fruitful that one can engage in.

Brother Estanislao (1903 - 1927) At the age of 18, a young Spaniard entered the Novitiate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools at Bugedo. He took the Vow of Regularity, Perfection and Pure Love. In October 1926, he offered himself to Jesus through Mary. Soon after this heroic donation, he fell ill and was obliged to rest. He died saintly in March 1927. He was, according to the Master of Novices, a Privileged Soul, who received Messages from Heaven. Confessors and Director asked him to write the Promises made by OUR LORD to those who have devotion to the Way of the Cross.

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