ST. JUDE THADDEUS Patron Saint of Lost Causes and Desperate Cases

St. Jude, known as Thaddaeus, was a brother of St. James the Less, and a relative of Our Saviour. St. Jude was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. Jude was the one who asked Jesus at the Last Supper why He would not manifest Himself to the whole world after His resurrection. Little else is known of his life. Legend claims that he visited Beirut and Edessa; possibly martyred with St. Simon in Persia.
Jude is invoked in desperate situations because his New Testament letter stresses that the faithful should persevere in the environment of harsh, difficult circumstances, just as their forefathers had done before them. Therefore, he is the patron saint of desperate cases and his feast day is October 28. Saint Jude is not the same person as Judas Iscariot who betrayed Our Lord and despaired because of his great sin and lack of trust in God's mercy.


Most Holy apostle St. Jude, faithful friend and servant of Jesus. The name of the traitor who delivered thy beloved Master into the hands of His enemies, has caused thee to be forgotten by many. But the church honors and invokes thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolation and succor of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings particularly (mention your petition here) and that I may bless God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity. I promise thee, O St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor and I will never cease to honor thee as my special and powerful patron and do all in my power to encourage devotion to thee, Amen.

St. Jude, pray for us and all who invoke thy aid.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.

St. Jude, model of humility, mirror of patience, lily of chastity, flame of divine love, intercede for us.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.

St. Jude, comfort of the sorrowing, refuge of sinners, helper of the distressed, special patron in hopeless cases, intercede for us.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.

Prayer to St. Jude for Eternal Life

You are my solace, St. Jude, in the face of loss and
sorrow. I pray that you will guide my heart away from
the darkness of fear and into the light of Christ. May
the hope that St. Jude keeps alive in my heart be a
source of comfort to all those who grieve. For in that
hope, we know God's mercy, and we trust God's
promise of eternal life. My soul longs for the fullness
of life, which is only to be revealed when I meet my
Maker in heaven. Stay by my side, St. Jude, so that
my soul will always know the power of your healing love. Amen.

Feast day: October 28

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