The Infant Jesus of Prague originally came from Spain. The legend tells that the Infant Jesus appeared miraculously to a certain monk, who modelled the statue based on the appearance of the apparition. According to another legend the statue belonged to St. Teresa of Avila, the founder of the Discalced Carmelites, who was aflame with a great love for the Child Jesus. She is said to have given the statue to a friend of hers, whose daughter was setting out to travel to Prague.
When the Duchess Maria Manrique de Lara came to Bohemia to marry a Bohemian nobleman in 1556, she received the statue from her mother as a wedding gift. When her daughter Polyxena of Lobkowicz was widowed, she gave the precious statue to the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites attached to the church of Our Lady of Victory in 1628.
The Carmelites placed the statue in the novitiate chapel, so that the young monks could learn from the virtues of the Child Jesus. At that time the Thirty Years' War was raging through Europe and even the Infant Jesus was not spared when the Saxon army occupied Prague in 1631. It was only after his return to Prague in 1637 that Father Cyril of the Mother of God, originally from Luxemburg, discovered the statue, abandoned in a corner. To his sorrow, however, he found that the Infant Jesus had had both hands broken off. At this moment it seemed to him that the Infant Jesus was saying to him:
Have mercy on me and I will have mercy on you.
Give me hands and I will give you peace.
The more you honour me, the more I will bless you.
Eventually Father Cyril had new hands made for the Infant Jesus. The gold coin invested in this was returned many times over, as the Child Jesus began to bless the monastery, the local people, and the whole of Prague. Miraculous healings were attributed to him, as was the protection of Prague when it was laid siege to by the Swedes in 1639. In 1651 the statue was carried as a pilgrim round all the churches in Prague and in 1655 it was solemnly crowned by the Bishop of Prague. This event is still remembered today on the anniversary feast-day, falling on the first Sunday in May.

DAY 1 
O Sweet Child Jesus, here at Your feet is a soul that, conscious of its nothingness turns to You, who are all. I am in so much need of Your help. Look on me O! Jesus, with love since You are all powerful, help me in my poverty.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

Day 2 

O Splendour of the heavenly Father, in whose face shines the light of the divinity. I adore You profoundly and I confess to You the true Son of the living God. I offer You, O Lord, the humble homage of all my being, Grant that I may never separate myself from You, my highest goal.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

Day 3 

O Holy Child Jesus, in gazing upon Your countenance, from which comes the most beautiful of smiles, I feel myself filled with a lively trust. Yes. I hope for all from Your goodness. Shed, O Jesus, on me and on those dear to me Your smile of grace and I will praise Your infinite mercy.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

Day 4 

O Child Jesus, whose forehead is adorned with a crown, I accept You as my absolute sovereign, I do not wish to serve any longer the evil one, my passions, or sin. Reign, O Jesus over this poor heart and make it all Yours forever.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

DAY 5 

I gaze upon You, O Most Sweet Redeemer, dressed in a mantle of purple. It is Your royal attire. How it speaks to me of blood! That Blood which You have shed solely on my account. Grant, O Child Jeus that I may respond to Your great sacrifice and not refuse when You offer me some difficulty to suffer with You and for You.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

DAY 6 

O Most Lovable Child, in contemplating You as You sustain the world, my heart fills with joy. Among the innumerable beings that You sustain, I also am one. You look on me, uphold me at every instant and guard me as Your own. Look after, O Jesus, this humble being and help it in its many necessities.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

Day 7 

On Your breast, O Child Jesus, shines a Cross. It is a standard of our redemption. I also, O Divine Saviour, have my cross, that, although light, very often weighs me down. Help me to bear it and may the carrying of it be fruitful. You well know how weak and worthless I am.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

Day 8 

Together with the cross, I see on Your breast, O Child Jesus, a little golden heart. It is the image of Your heart, which is truly golden on account of its infinite tenderness. You are the true friend, that generously gives Himself; even immolates Himself, for the one He loves. Continue to pour out on me. O Jesus, the enthusiasm which Your love inspires and teach me to respond always to Your great love.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

Day 9 

How many blessings, O Little Child has Your almighty right hand poured out on those who honour You and call upon You. Bless me also, O Child Jesus, my soul, my body and my interests. Bless and help me in my necessities, and grant me what I now desire. Listen with compassion to my prayers and I will bless Your Holy Name everyday.
Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be...
By your Divine Infancy, O! Jesus, grant the grace that I now ask (Express it) if it is according to Your will and for my true good. Do not look upon my unworthiness, but rather on my faith and show me Your infinite mercy.

PRAYER REVEALED BY OUR LADY To the Venerable Fr. Cyrill O.C.D.
O Infant Jesus, I have recourse to You and ask You through the intercession of Your Holy Mother to help me in my need, (you can mention it here) for I firmly believe that Your divinity can help me. I hope, in complete trust to obtain Your holy grace. I love You with all my heart and with all the strength of my soul. I am truly sorry for all my sins, and beg You, O good Jesus, to give me the strength to conquer them. I shall never offend you and I am ready to suffer rather than to cause You pain. From now on I want to serve You with complete faithfulness and for love of You, O Divine child, I will love my neighbor as well as myself. Omnipotent Child, Lord Jesus, again I implore You, help me in this need of mine (mention it). Grant me the grace of possessing You eternally, with Mary and Joseph and of adoring You with the holy angels in Your heavenly court. Amen.

PRAYER TO THE CHILD JESUS Recited every evening in the Sanctuary of Arenzano
O Holy Child Jesus, who shed Your blessings on whoever invokes Your name, look kindly on us who kneel humbly before Your holy Image, and hear our prayers. We commend to Your mercy the many poor and needy people who trust in Your Divine Heart. Lay Your all powerful hand upon them and help them in their needs. Lay Your hand upon the sick, to cure them and sanctify their suffering; upon those in distress, to console them; upon sinners, to draw them into the light of your divine grace; upon all those who, stricken with grief and suffering, turn trustingly to You for loving help. Lay Your hand also upon all of us and give us Your blessing. O little King, grant the treasures of Your divine mercy to all the world, and keep us now and always in the grace of your love! Amen.

Prayer for a Student to the Infant Jesus of Prague
O Child Jesus, eternal Wisdom made flesh, who shed Your blessings so generously on all, and most especially on schoolchildren and students who trust in You, please look kindly on me as I implore You to guide and assist me in my studies.
You, O God made Man, Lord of all learning, source of all understanding and memory, come and help me in my weakness. Enlighten my mind, improve my ability to acquire knowledge and truth and the capacity to remember all I learn. Be my light, strength and comfort in moments of special difficulty.
By the grace of Your divine Heart may I do all my school tasks to the best of my ability and gain the utmost profit from them, so that I may get good marks and, most important of all, be moved up next year. To merit such favours, for my part, I promise to perform faithfully all my duties as a Christian and to love You more and more. O Sweet Child Jesus, keep me always under Your protecting mantle and be my guide, not only on the path of learning, but above all on the path to eternal salvation. Amen.

Feast Day: First Sunday of May

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